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Category : Gallery


My nephew has been staying with me and has, so far, behaved himself. That is, until I heard reports of his behavior when I had female friends and my sister over for the odd weekend.

It had come to my notice that, when each one of them had been alone in his company, he had been rubbing his crotch against their stockinged legs! Very vigorously, in fact!! Just like a dog on heat!! How disgusting and embarrassing for me!

I was so angry that I made sure that I was wearing my highest heels and best stockings. I sat on my chair, crossing my legs and showing my stocking-tops! When I confronted him, he finally admitted the truth, and I made him strip to just his underpants, kneel in front of me and show me just what he had been doing! He was so vigorous that my legs ached, but I carried on making him do it so hard that his face turned red and he sweated with the exertion.

He was so completely exhausted that I was sure he would not be doing it again!!

Are you on your knees

Hello you should be on your knees to look at these photos, before you go over my knee, for the spanking that you deserve.

Some photos for you to see what happens

You will see some photos appear here shortly, that shows what could happen if you visit me, if you have been naughty I can tailor your punishment to your level, and I am sure you will learn the error of your ways, after a visit to see me.

You will find all my contact details on here, so make sure you make an appointment


Gallery Post

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