Just a quick reminder that the next School Day at the Chapel School is coming up soon, and places are filling up fast, so if you wish to attend you must get in touch very soon.
The date of the next School Day is Friday 4th April, from 12.30 until 4.30pm.
In attendance will be Headmistress Lady Linda, Form Teacher Miss Markam, Speical Needs Teacher Miss D Meaner and the Head Nurse.
Existing pupils should get in touch to confirm their attendance, and new pupils should contact Headmistress Lady Linda so that they can attend a one to one session before being allowed to attend.
Pupils of all levels attend these Days, so do not be shy if you can only take soft punishment you can be accommodated as you watch others being dealt with in a most severe way for any transgressions they may make.
A School day is chance for you enjoy the skills of the staff and the friendly atmosphere of the Chapel School.
A school lunch will be provided
Telephone: 07977 843212 (ask for Headmistress Lady Linda) between 09:00 till 19:00